The Longest Day: June 21st

thelongestdayOn June 21, from sunrise to sunset, teams across the world will put their passion to good work raising funds and awareness for the Alzheimer’s Association.  Held annually on the summer solstice, The Longest Day is about people doing what they love to honor the strength, heart and endurance of those facing Alzheimer’s disease.   The Longest Day is held on June 21, the summer solstice. The duration of this sunrise-to-sunset event symbolizes the challenging journey of those living with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers.

The Longest Day is a team effort!  We invite you, your co-workers, family and friends to work together for a good cause and a good time!  Teams can choose an activity that reflects the hobbies or interests of a friend or family member facing Alzheimer’s.  Or, they can create a fun day around one of their own passions whether it’s baking, bowling, swimming, dancing…the possibilities are endless!

Each team is asked to register and raise a minimum of $1600 to advance the efforts of the Alzheimer’s Association.  Dollars raised will be used to provide vital care and support for those affected by the disease as well as fund promising research towards methods, prevention and one day, a cure for Alzheimer’s.

For more information or to register your team, please visit  We look forward to having you join us for The Longest Day!

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